Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reflection on science experiment

During the experiment on 2P07, I learned the importance of following safety rules and I learned about the action of alkalis on ammonium salts. During the experiment, we first need to pour diluted sodium hydroxide into a clean test tube to a depth of 3cm. Second... until the end when I got the result of the product of alkali with ammonium salt. The product is Ammonia, a colourless gas with a pungent smell. It is a alkali as the damp red litmus paper turns blue and the blue litmus paper remains the same. I learned the importance of safety rules as during the experiment, when heating the mixture, the mixture burst out of the test tube and hit my hand. Although, the test tube and my hands are fine, I do not want to experience something like that again. Thus, I learned that, when the mixture is boiling, do not put your hand over it( I placed my hand over it as I needed to place the damp red and blue litmus paper over the mouth of the test tube) and learn to follow safety rules.

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