Sunday, September 11, 2011

review on the issue on implanting human material in animals for biomedical research

About this issue, I read this on the website: This issue, involves implanting human materials within animals to better understand the human body, better understand diseases and from there on, produce treatments for the disease. For example, mice carrying human genes are widely used to study many diseases, including neurological and anxiety disorders, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer and, goats that have a human gene incorporated in their genome are used to produce a human protein (an antithrombin) which is used to treat blood clotting disorders, etc. These are some examples of how implanting human material in animals is used for. The scientist doing this experiment, realizes that this might introduce certain ethical issues, and therefore, has a regular and ongoing discussion on this topic, to be open about it and address any ethical issues. The result from this experiment, is that scientist are able to better understand illnesses and diseases that are currently untreatable, such as cancer, HIV and hepatitis. They are then, able to speed up the process of creating drugs to cure these diseases or illnesses.

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